School Lunch Menu
We want to introduce you to our new online menu system - Nutrislice! This menu system is can be accessed on Box Elder School District's website. You can also download the Nutrislice app for free on iPhone and Android devices, so that parents have easy access to what their students are eating at school.
When you open Nutrislice, you will first search for Box Elder School District (you should only have to do this once). From there, you can select the school and then the menu you would like to view. Once in the menu, if you click on the menu options to see the nutritional information, including carbohydrates. We are continually working to improve the information that is available on so in the future, you will be able to see more information about the food we serve, such as allergen information.
You can select the language you would like to view the information as well. Currently we have English and Spanish available but we have access to many more languages if you need.
You can also print the calendar (printing not available on app) in an easy to read format. When you print, you have the option of selecting nutritional information to print onto the calendar, such as calories or carbohydrates, to give you a snapshot of each menuitem each day of the month.